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Homes for Sale in Palm Beach Gardens Country Clubs





When it comes to finding real estate and homes for sale in the Palm Beach Garden country clubs, you won’t find anyone more knowledgeable than Leibowitz Realty. With their scenic views, ideal weather, and quiet residents, our country clubs offer a quality of life that few places in the world can compete with.

If you want the most spectacular properties in the best communities that our lovely city has to offer, then you don’t need to look any further. We handle tens of millions of dollars’ worth of major sales in an increasingly exciting and popular market.

When you’re making the significant investment that a luxury home requires, it’s important to know that you’re in the right hands. Whether you’re looking to sell or rent your home in Palm Beach or to make your very first purchase, we’ll work with you step by step to get you the results you want.

If you have any questions about the properties found on this page, or if you are ready to make an appointment, get in touch with us today!

